
Story, fairytale.

Used in slang to describe anything as amazing, whether it’s an unforgettable experience, delicious food, or stunning beauty.


As an ex-programmer, I was naturally drawn to algorithmic design. It perfectly combines my two worlds of design and technology, making it very unique and personal for me.
Pásaka, which means "story" in Lithuanian (my place of birth), was born from my desire to create something that would be unique and personal for others as well.

Anna Shpitz

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Pásaka integrates advanced technology into jewelry design, offering a unique personalization experience. Users input the date, time, location, and a short story of a significant occasion. The system then uses weather conditions and celestial positions at that exact time and place, combined with AI text analysis, to create meaningful jewelry pieces.

Each piece captures the essence of a memory, becoming a deeply personal and unique representation, like a fingerprint, of a significant moment in time. Pásaka's creations are not only aesthetically pleasing but also hold a story and emotion, making each piece truly one of a kind.